Study Abroad Admission-Guidance

Choosing the right academic path can be tough with so many options available globally. Quickenrols has connections with over 850 well-known universities worldwide. We represent universities in various countries like the UK, USA, Canada, and more. Our strong ties with these universities improve our students’ chances of getting accepted because we understand what makes a strong application. Universities like working with us because we send them complete and relevant applications, which makes them respond to us quickly.

While the process may seem easy, there are many details and requirements to take care of. We offer step-by-step guidance for the entire study abroad application process, ensuring you have the best chance of getting into the university of your choice.


Step 1 – Free Expert Counselling

At Quickenrols, we make sure we understand what each student wants. We assign every student a personal counselor who knows a lot about the courses universities offer. We make special packages just for you. Our counselors will help you reach your goals, considering your skills, background, and career plans. Every Quickenrols counselor’s job is to get you into the best course and school for you.

Step 2 – Find the Right Course, Country, and University

Picking the right course is really important when you want to study in another country. Our counselors will help you choose the course that’s best for you, considering your personal, academic, and financial situation. We don’t limit ourselves to just the universities we work with. Choosing the right course is really important for your success. That’s why we made the APP (Academic Pathway Planning). Our counselors know a lot and can save you time and money by finding the perfect university for you after looking at what you need.

Making the right choice is super important for both you and your counselor. We look at your skills and what you need, then find institutions and courses that are just right for you. Our experts will pick some good schools for you to look at based on your information. You can choose the one you like best after talking to your family and friends. Picking the right course, country, and school is really important, and our counselors will help you do just that. They know a lot about how to get into schools in different countries, and they can even help you get in touch with students at the schools you want to go to.

Step 3 – Getting Ready for International Tests

These big tests help see how good you are. They’re important for getting into school. We can help you get ready for tests like IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, GMAT, GRE, SAT, and ACT. Our teachers will work with you to make sure you understand everything you need to know for the test. They’ll also help you get the scores you need to get into the school you want. We’ll give you good study stuff and make you take practice tests too.

Step 4 – Checking Your Documents

At Quickenrols, we want to make sure you get the best results, so we go through your application carefully to make sure there are no mistakes. We pay special attention to your application and fix any problems we find, big or small. We also give you advice on what to do better. We make sure all your papers are put together the right way and signed properly. Our counselors will always keep in touch with you, so you know what’s happening with your application. When you’ve chosen your university, our experts look at your documents. Every school has its own rules for applications, so following them helps you get in faster.

Our counselors help with important parts of the application, like essays, why you want to go to the school, writing well, how you say things, what you say, and letters from people who know you. We work hard to make sure you get into the school you want. If schools need advice on your application, they sometimes ask us confidentially to make sure you’re a good fit. When your application is put together well, schools answer you faster and more positively.

  • The Statement of Purpose – Guidelines:

The Statement of Purpose (SOP) is like an essay you have to write to explain why you want to study in another country. A good SOP is really important and can help the people who decide who gets in. Your SOP should be original, clear, and focused with good ideas. It’s your chance to tell the people who decide who gets in about you. It should be 1-2 pages long. It should talk about why you picked the course you want and how it will help you in the future. It should also talk about the things you’ve done in school, outside of school, and in any jobs you had. You should also write about what you want to do in the future and why you’re applying to the school and country. Your SOP should have short and clear sentences. It should be honest, excited, real, and confident.

  • The Letter of Recommendation – Guidelines:

The Letter of Recommendation (LOR) is a really important paper for students applying to schools in other countries. It helps prove what you say about yourself and gives the people who decide who gets in a chance to know more about you, especially since they can’t talk to you in person. You need 2-3 LORs. They should be written on the referee’s or organization’s paper with their stamp and signature. The person writing the letter should know you from school or work. You can get a LOR from a professor, department head, or principal. They should know enough about you to talk about how good you are at school and what kind of person you are, like if you’re good at thinking, leading, and talking to people. You can also get an LOR from a boss. They should know how you work, how good you are at your job, and if you do what you’re supposed to do on time. They should also write about how long they’ve known you and how they know you.

  • Documents attached with each Application:

When you apply, you’ll need to bring both photocopies and original documents for Quickenrols to check. You’ll need to fill out a form and make a resume with your contact details, what you’ve studied, things you do outside of school, what you’ve done well, and any jobs you have. Write about why you want to study and bring copies of your report cards and certificates from 10th and 12th grades, and from the first year to the last year of college. If you took a special English test, bring that too. Ask your teachers or boss to write a letter saying you’re good at what you do. If you have certificates for things, you do outside of school, bring copies of those too. Also, bring two pictures of yourself and a copy of your passport.

Step 5 – Sending Your Application

We take extra care with every application, whether it’s on paper or online. It’s really important to check each application thoroughly before sending it to the universities. Students and counselors should take time to look over applications together to make sure they’re just right and don’t have any mistakes. While students write their own papers, it’s important to look over their work to make it even better.

In some cases, we add our own private assessment or recommendation to the schools to tell them about your strengths and why you’d be a great fit. Every school has its own rules for how to apply, so following those rules helps you get in faster. We can also help send your application through a courier and keep an eye on it to make sure it gets where it needs to go.

Step 6 – Getting Ready for Interviews

We can help you get ready for the kinds of questions universities might ask in interviews. Our experts know just what universities usually ask, so they can help you get ready. Sometimes, universities come to our offices to meet students, so check our website often to see who’s coming. They might even decide to accept you right there, and sometimes they don’t make you pay the application fee. If you’re a really good student with a great application, this could help you get a scholarship. Some of our Quickenrols students have even gotten scholarships because of how good their applications were.

Step 7 – Getting Your Visa

We help all Quickenrols students with visa guidance for all countries, and it’s totally free. We always stay in touch with the consulates to know the latest rules and papers you need for your visa. We’re really good at it too, with a success rate of more than 99%. One of the things we do to help is to practice ‘mock visa interviews’ with our ‘visa counselors.’ They ask students questions that are often asked in real interviews. After the practice, they tell you what you should and shouldn’t do in the real interview.

We help you with the whole visa process, like filling out forms, getting papers that show how much money you have, making sure you have all the right papers, so your visa doesn’t get delayed or turned down, and we even practice interviews with you. What students and parents like the most is that we do all this quickly, professionally, and for free. Going to school in another country costs a lot of money, so make sure you choose the right school carefully.